Over Training or Frequently Under the Weather?
The signs and symptoms of the onset of an illness typically suggest it is too late to prevent it. Although injury is unfortunate and somewhat avoidable (through strength preparation work and adequate stretching and physio) bar accidents, dedicated athletes can be susceptible to:
- acute infections.
- auto-immune disorders.
- hormonal or immune dysfunction.
- an array of vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Poor recovery habits are equally likely to result in aberrant health just as much as classical over-training syndrome (OTS) typically seen in higher ability level athletes. Commonly, as intense endurance sport such as cycling is metabolically demanding, poor diet can be responsible for many of the problems observed. Symptoms of over-training can manifest themselves in different ways, predominantly chronic fatigue. However, possible pathological causes should be first excluded by a qualified physician before further investigation through a sports medicine route. The HOR02 at-home test covers necessary hormones (Testosterone, DHEA & 4 x Cortisol profile samples) and Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) to profile HPA-function related to adrenal insufficiency and over-training.
CPS In-Motion in collaboration with Regenerus Laboratories, a leading European laboratory hub based in the UK, is able to offer a fully comprehensive blood chemistry analysis and biomarker service. Regenerus exclusive lab services provides fitness specific and functional diagnostic tests for total coverage and peace of mind, which include:
- Mitochondrial dysfunction (an important assessment of neuromuscular health in response to training).
- Gut health panel and allergy arrays (food intolerance).
- Antibody detection (for previous or current viral infection).
- Nutri-Genetics (for inherent metabolic anomalies) and toxicity screening.
A CPS In-Motion practitioner will conduct a full health consultation and refer specific Regenerus diagnostic services for an in-depth investigation to your potential condition or perhaps just for general athletic health surveillance and prevention.
Pricing is very competitive and quality is kept to highly regulated standards of analysis (ISO 9000). Blood draws and sample shipment are conveniently arranged, and the turn around time from Regenerus is rapid, and will receive a full report covering results, which will be interpreted in context of your situation and individual profile/ athletic history.
You will then be able to act on the information and work to resolve your health with a practitioner if necessary, whether this may mean a change in training regimen, inclusion of a strength and conditioning programme or change in nutrition and any necessary supplementation.