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Lactate Threshold profiling

Our Perspective on Human Performance

Hi’s and Lo’s of cycling

Hi’s and Lo’s of cycling

As the last of the Northern classics are finished, and the Giro is looming, now is the time that many of you who are in store for some Continental cycling, or a late Spring training camp further afield will be anticipating some long awaited back-to-back days of ascending and descending some legendary pro-tour climbs! As many of my […]

Reasons to profile your lactate kinetics

Reasons to profile your lactate kinetics

One day I believe we will have real-time lactate and glucose measurements, with feed back biometrics from biosensors and our power-meters, displayed to us through ‘Reality Glasses’ or something ridiculous like that. But until that day, the best way of understanding these biochemical processes during our simulated performance is through a good physiologist or sports scientist who appreciates […]

Lactate – shrouded in mystery?

Lactate – shrouded in mystery?

Why the confusion? Up until recently, the name ‘lactic acid’ has been the subject of much confusion in sports science, and for good reason. Measurements taken during studies designed to understand the onset of fatigue and exhaustion in athletes performing maximal exercise had previously and wrongly associated ‘lactic acid’ with the abrupt fatigue at intensities […]

Head-to-Head LTP profiling – Road vs Triathlon

Head-to-Head LTP profiling – Road vs Triathlon

We are going to compare the difference in lactate threshold profiles between four classes of high-level competitive endurance cyclists; two top international triathletes and two pure-play road racers (Elite and a veteran 2nd Cat). Its the end of the season and most competitive athletes who have stopped racing and full-time training will be in recovery […]