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Our Perspective on Human Performance

Training Peaks Endurance Coaching Summit, Manchester 2018

Training Peaks Endurance Coaching Summit, Manchester 2018

Even though the TPU started off with a bang, the fireworks had started to fizzle out in Manchester as the Endurance Coaching Summit welcome party kicked off at the National Cycling Centre. This was a great chance to mingle with the coaches and TP staff on hand for the next 2 days plus another 100 […]

Virgin London Marathon Meet The Experts

Virgin London Marathon Meet The Experts

Last Saturday was the official VLM meet the experts event at the fabulous Westminster City Hall, just a stone’s throw from the finish line in Pall Mall. The event covered a wide spectrum of running aspects for any one attempting to finish in one piece. 15 minute sessions on nutrition, injuries, training and pacing among [...]
SAD ? Nutrition can motivate you!

SAD ? Nutrition can motivate you!

Now that the festivities have finished for another year, hopefully the sight of a mince pie will make you wince in disgust! As all those new years resolutions are being considered with ‘good’ intentions, I thought this would be a prime opportunity to fuel your motivation for taking control of your nutrition once again. You […]

Over Training Syndrome (OTS)

Over Training Syndrome (OTS)

The end of the competitive cycling season (north of the equator) is nearly upon us, with the exception of a few nasty hill climbs and some World Champs excitement, hopefully. At this time of year you are probably assessing how well your events have worked out or not, whether you’ve noticeably improved in performance (hopefully […]

Performance coaching

Performance coaching

Philosophy In-Motion:   Becoming a good coach isn’t as simple as attending a few courses or reading a few chapters in a book…as I have learnt over the last few years! I hope to share what are considered the general principles of coaching with my unique perspective from experience with numerous and very different athletes. I […]

Compliance and Success

Compliance and Success

Scientists can tend to over think things. Analysing results and being as objective as possible is part of the culture, as to differentiate white from black in a world of grey. Scientific processes [hopefully] use techniques to answer yes / no questions regarding uncertain hypotheses and concepts which may never be understood properly. Using a […]

Head-to-Head LTP profiling – Road vs Triathlon

Head-to-Head LTP profiling – Road vs Triathlon

We are going to compare the difference in lactate threshold profiles between four classes of high-level competitive endurance cyclists; two top international triathletes and two pure-play road racers (Elite and a veteran 2nd Cat). Its the end of the season and most competitive athletes who have stopped racing and full-time training will be in recovery […]