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Training Peaks

Our Perspective on Human Performance

Endurance Training Science 101

Endurance Training Science 101

Following on from the Training Peaks University I attended, I wrote up a synopsis of the Endurance Coaching Summit where real-world practitioners, i.e ‘coaches’ working with sub-elite receational athletes, get to learn some of the evidence of research and schools of thought from professionals and experts in both commercial and academics setting working with elite […]

Training Peaks Endurance Coaching Summit, Manchester 2018

Training Peaks Endurance Coaching Summit, Manchester 2018

Even though the TPU started off with a bang, the fireworks had started to fizzle out in Manchester as the Endurance Coaching Summit welcome party kicked off at the National Cycling Centre. This was a great chance to mingle with the coaches and TP staff on hand for the next 2 days plus another 100 […]