Beat the Ball Buster….
Many participants throw away their hard-won fitness through poor pacing on race day! Learn how to train for a hilly duathlon and Beat the Ball Buster to set a PB time or avoid a dreaded DNF! Don’t leave success or failure to chance….CPS In-Motion will schedule an invaluable workshop session (at Destination Bike on the course) on how to train for and beat the Ball-Buster duathlon, see our Facebook page for dates and details.
We apply scientific principles and physiological assessments, dynamically so that athletes achieve measureable success in their chosen event. The Ball Buster is a typical of an underestimated course, where lactate threshold power and pace are significant predictors of success. CPS In-Motion has expertly designed monthly support programmes or effective online dedicated Training Peaks event-based plans.
Get in the best shape possible to smash the 2018 Ball-Buster!
Subscribe to our Ball-Buster mailing list to find out more and download your FREE Info PDF!
- Introduction to the Ball-Buster.
- What factors determine optimal performance for an event?
- What physiological crises could affect a PB time or cause a DNF?
- What does ‘optimal pacing’ look like practically on the day?
- How do we apply suitable pacing to the event and each leg?

Who am I? A biochemist and metabolism scientist with a background in applied physiology. I prescribe effectively personalised training programmes to a small yet diverse client based, to overcome their challenges and limitations that are preventing them from being fully competitive, excelling or just thoroughly enjoying their chosen endurance sport!
As a dedicated sports scientist, I also have a substantial background in road-racing and marathon which compliments my extensive practical knowledge of the disciplines and requirements to go faster for longer, and achieve desired success.
Please sign-up to download your free PDF or get in touch to understand how I can help you train beyond your current limits!