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Tags: Metabolism

Our Perspective on Human Performance

Investigating Super Starch (Generation UCAN)

Investigating Super Starch (Generation UCAN)

I believe in serendipity. The process of stumbling across a significant finding purely by chance, totally unaware of its potential application. Many great discoveries have been made this way (Viagra, Penicillin and even the microwave oven), as opposed to systematically being teased out, fabricated and ultimately commercialised, with many not standing the true test of […]

Whole Body Metabolism & Micronutrition 101

Whole Body Metabolism & Micronutrition 101

Diet and nutrition is often seen as a contentious subject. The topic is filled with polarised opinions and confusion, often fabricated by over zealous ‘clinical’ nutritionists relying on anecdotal observation or limited clinical evidence at best. The pseudoscientific journalists writing in magazines or online media sponsored by industry giants, trying to sell more advertising space […]