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Tags: profiling

Our Perspective on Human Performance

Reasons to profile your lactate kinetics

Reasons to profile your lactate kinetics

One day I believe we will have real-time lactate and glucose measurements, with feed back biometrics from biosensors and our power-meters, displayed to us through ‘Reality Glasses’ or something ridiculous like that. But until that day, the best way of understanding these biochemical processes during our simulated performance is through a good physiologist or sports scientist who appreciates […]

Head-to-Head LTP profiling – Road vs Triathlon

Head-to-Head LTP profiling – Road vs Triathlon

We are going to compare the difference in lactate threshold profiles between four classes of high-level competitive endurance cyclists; two top international triathletes and two pure-play road racers (Elite and a veteran 2nd Cat). Its the end of the season and most competitive athletes who have stopped racing and full-time training will be in recovery […]