Understanding Intervals
- Posted: May 20, 2015
- By: sclark
- Category: Best Practice / Intervals / Performance / Physiology / Training
- Comment: 0
All my posts are an original perspective on current sports science and exercise physiology topics. I tend to cringe at the term ‘hack’ or ‘pseudo’ as this brings about connotations of ‘fake’ which no scientist wants to be associated with. Although some individuals do succumb to the delusional yet real pressure to perform and publish results […]
Elite vs rest of the world
- Posted: October 21, 2014
- By: sclark
- Category: Cycling economy / Elite / Gross efficiency / Lactate Threshold profiling / Metabolism
- Comment: 0
Since my first experiences as a youthful spectator of professional cycling watching Gianni Bugno win the 1990 Wincanton Classic in Brighton, I have been fascinated by what it takes for performance cycling passionistas like us to achieve elite status and I am still learning how the process can be accelerated for all of us, with precious little time […]
Compliance and Success
- Posted: September 5, 2014
- By: sclark
- Category: Compliance / conditioning / Periodisation / Psychology / Training
- Comment: 0
Scientists can tend to over think things. Analysing results and being as objective as possible is part of the culture, as to differentiate white from black in a world of grey. Scientific processes [hopefully] use techniques to answer yes / no questions regarding uncertain hypotheses and concepts which may never be understood properly. Using a […]
The shape of things to come
- Posted: December 27, 2013
- By: sclark
- Category: Physiology / Power / Testing / Training
- Comment: 0
VO2max testing has long been regarded as the ‘Gold Standard’ and ultimate physiological measurement in many types of endurance sport. Even though this performance parameter is seen as the holy grail in sports performance, the numbers are unreliable and have very little value for helping an athlete wishing to progress in training. This might sound […]